German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; cations (group E); determination of sodium by atomic absorption spectrometry (ASS) using an air-acetylene flame (E 14)— 8 стр.
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; general information (group A); sampling from barrages and lakes (A 12)— 8 стр.
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; general information (group A); sampling of untreated water and drinking water (A 14)— 11 стр.
Corrosion of metals - Corrosion of metallic materials under corrosion load by water inside of tubes, tanks and apparatus - Part 6: Influence of the composition of drinking water— 13 стр.
Corrosion of metals - Corrosion of metallic materials under corrosion load by water inside of pipes, tanks and apparatus - Part 6: Evaluation process and requirements regarding the hygienic suitability in contact with drinking water— 27 стр.
Methods of soil investigations for agricultural engineering - Chemical laboratory tests - Part 10: Testing and evaluation of water for irrigation— 11 стр.
Corrosion of metals - Corrosion of metallic materials under corrosion load by water inside of pipes, tanks and apparatus - Part 6: Evaluation process and requirements regarding the hygienic suitability in contact with drinking water— 27 стр.