Medical microbiology - Culture media for use in bacteriology - Part 5: Requirements and selection of culture media for the diagnostics of stool specimens— 4 стр.
Medical microbiology - Culture media for use in bacteriology - Part 5: Requirements and selection of cultur media for the diagnostics of stool specimens, diagnostics of stool specimens, principles of step-by-step examination of stool and survey of culture media for routine testing— 3 стр.
Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 6: Requirements for control strains; examples for production and preservation of bacteria used as stock cultures and working cultures— 8 стр.
Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 7: General requirements for the use of control strains; ATTC and DSM numbers of commonly used control strains— 8 стр.
Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 9: Requirements for the use of control strains for testing culture media; control strains for commonly used culture media— 42 стр.
Medical microbiology - Culture media for use in bacteriology - Part 5: Requirements and selection of cultur media for the diagnostics of stool specimens, diagnostics of stool specimens, principles of step-by-step examination of stool and survey of culture media for routine testing— 3 стр.