Testing of glass; grain method for determination of the hydrolytic resistance of glass as a material at 98 °C and classification of glass into hydrolytic classes— 4 стр.
Testing of lubricants; testing of the characteristics of gear oils preventing corrosion on steel in the presence of water; stirring methods A and B— 4 стр.
Testing of lubricants; testing of anticorrosion oils for internal combustion engines in respect of acid neutralizing properties, hydrobromic acid immersion test— 2 стр.
Testing of lubricants - Testing of anticorrosion oils for internal combustion engines with respect to corrosion preventing properties, sea water immersion test— 3 стр.
Petroleum products - Corrosiveness to copper - Copper strip test (ISO 2160:1985, including Corrigendum 1:1993); German version EN ISO 2160:1995— 8 стр.
Petroleum products - Corrosiveness to copper - Copper strip test (ISO 2160:1985, including Corrigendum 1:1993); German version EN ISO 2160:1995— 8 стр.