Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 12: Circuit integrity maintenance of electric cable systems; requirements and testing— 10 стр.
Fire Behaviour of Building Materials and Building Components; Fire Walls and Non-load-bearing External Walls; Definitions, Requirements and Tests— 7 стр.
Fire behaviour of building materials and building components; synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components— 149 стр.
Fire Behaviour of Building Materials and Building Components; Fire Barriers, Barriers in Lift Wells and Glazings Resistant against Fire; Definitions, Requirements and Tests— 8 стр.
Fire behaviour of building materials and building components; pipe encasements, pipe bushings, service shafts and ducts, and barriers across inspection openings; terminology, requirements and testing— 10 стр.
Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 2: Determination of combustion behaviour of materials in storage arrangement - Combustion factor m— 16 стр.
Structural fire protection in industrial buildings; definitions, requirements and tests for roofs; non-ventilated roofs with roofings exposed to fire from below; roof areas without openings— 5 стр.
Testing of Solid and Liquid Fuels; Determination of the Gross Calorific Value by the Bomb Calorimeter and Calculation of the Net Calorific Value; Method Using Isothermal Water Jacket— 8 стр.
Structural fire protection in industrial buildings - Part 2: Determination of combustion behaviour of materials in storage arrangement - Combustion factor m— 16 стр.