Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Dry and moist products with medium and low thermal resistance; German version EN 12664:2001— 64 стр.
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of the critical pitting temperature under potientiostatic control (ISO 17864:2005); German version EN ISO 17864:2008— 20 стр.
Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics (ISO/DIS 527-2:2010); German version prEN ISO 527-2:2010
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids - Determination of the resistance to internal pressure - Part 1: General method (ISO 1167-1:2006); German version EN ISO 1167-1:2006— 14 стр.
Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids - Determination of the resistance to internal pressure - Part 2: Preparation of pipe test pieces (ISO 1167-2:2006); German version EN ISO 1167-2:2006— 8 стр.
Plastics piping and ducting systems - Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation (ISO 9080:2003); German version EN ISO 9080:2003— 33 стр.