Fixed Radio Systems - Point to point antennas - Antennas for point-to-point fixed radio systems operating in the frequency band 3 GHz to 60 GHz (Endorsement of the English version ETS 300388:1999 as German standard)
Fixed Radio Systems - Point to point antennas - Antennas for point-to-point fixed radio systems operating in the frequency band 3 GHz to 60 GHz (Endorsement of the English version EN 300833 V 1.2.1 (2000-08) as German standard)— 1 стр.
Fixed Radio Systems - Point-to-multipoint equipment - Point-to-multipoint digital radio systems in frequency bands in the range 24,25 GHz to 29,5 GHz using different access methods - Part 1: Basic parameters
Fixed Radio Systems - Point-to-point equipment - Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) - Low and medium capacity and STM-0 digital radio system operating in the frequency bands in the range 3 GHz to 11 GHz