Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 2: Bulk sampling of mortars and preparation of test mortars; German version EN 1015-2:1998+A1:2006— 10 стр.
Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 9: Determination of workable life and correction time of fresh mortar; German version EN 1015-9:1999+A1:2006— 12 стр.
Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 11: Determination of flexural and compressive strength of hardened mortar; German version EN 1015-11:1999+A1:2006— 15 стр.
Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001:2008); Trilingual version EN ISO 9001:2008, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008-12; Trilingual version EN ISO 9001:2008/AC:2009— 20 стр.