Corrosion protection of steel structures by the application of organic or metallic coatings; preparation and testing of surfaces; representative photographic examples; amendment 1 to supplement 1 to DIN 55928 part 4
Corrosion protection of steel structures by the application of organic or metallic coatings; execution and inspection of corrosion protection work— 7 стр.
Corrosion protection of steel structures by organic and metallic coatings; Corrosion protection of thin-walled structural members (light gauge steel construction)— 6 стр.
Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; works for protection of steel and aluminium structures— 11 стр.
Tendering and performance stipulations in contracts for construction works (VOB); part C: general technical specifications in contracts for construction works (ATV); corrosion protection of steel and aluminium structures— 7 стр.
Contract Procedure for Building Works; Part C: General Technical Specifications for Building Works; Works for Protection against Corrosion of Steel and Aluminium Structures— 9 стр.