Heat pumps; heat pump units equipment with electrically driven compressors, methods of measurement for installed water/water, air/water and brine/water heat pumps— 14 стр.
Viscometry; capillary viscometers with circular and rectangular cross section for determination of flow curves; systematic deviations, sources and corrections— 18 стр.
X-ray spectrometry - X-ray emission- and X-ray fluorescense analysis (XRF) - Part 2: Definitions and basic principles for measurements, calibration and evaluation of results— 16 стр.
Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting measurements by high resolution gamma spectrometry, neglecting the influence of sample treatment— 6 стр.
Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements; counting spectrometric measurements, neglecting the influence of sample treatment— 8 стр.
Limit of detection and limit of decision for nuclear radiation measurements - Part 4: Counting alphaspectrometric measurements, neglecting the influence of sample treatment and equipment used— 7 стр.