Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products - Part 1: General information (definitions, materials, tolerances, test methods); German version EN 10169-1:1996— 14 стр.
In vitro diagnostic test systems - Requirements for blood-glucose monitoring systems for self-testing in managing diabetes mellitus (ISO 15197:2003); Corrigenda to DIN EN ISO 15197:2004-05; German version EN ISO 15197:2003/AC:2005— 2 стр.
Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps (ISO 4892-3:2006); German version EN ISO 4892-3:2006— 19 стр.
Testing of paints, varnishes and similar coating materials; determination fo the degree of chalking of paint coatings and similar coatings according to the adhesive tape method
Testing of colouring materials; conditions of measurement and evaluation for the determination of colour differences for paint coatings, similar coatings and plastics— 4 стр.
Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method (ISO 2178:1982); German version EN ISO 2178:1995— 6 стр.
Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic basis metals - Measurement of coating thickness - Eddy current method (ISO 2360:1982); German version EN ISO 2360:1995— 5 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 4: Assessment of degree of cracking (ISO 4628-4:2003); German version EN ISO 4628-4:2003— 20 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 5: Assessment of degree of flaking (ISO 4628-5:2003); German version EN ISO 4628-5:2003— 10 стр.
Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels; German version EN 10025-4:2004— 25 стр.
Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels - Tolerances of dimensions and shape (includes Amendment A1:1997); German version EN 10051:1991 + A1:1997— 16 стр.
Cold rolled low carbon steel flat products for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10130:2006, Corrigenda to DIN EN 10130:2007-02— 2 стр.
Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions and shape German version EN 10143:2006, Corrigendum to DIN EN 10143:2006-09— 2 стр.
Cold rolled uncoated and zinc or zinc-nickel electrolytically coated low carbon and high yield strength steel flat products for cold forming - Tolerances on dimensions and shape; German version EN 10131:2006— 14 стр.
Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steel strip and sheet for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10142:2000— 12 стр.
Cold rolled steel flat products with high yield strength for cold forming - Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10268:2006, Corrigenda to DIN EN 10268:2006-10— 2 стр.
Paints, varnishes and their raw materials; temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testing (ISO 3270:1984); german version EN 23270:1991— 4 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests - Part 2: Falling-weight test, small-area indenter (ISO 6272-2:2002); German version EN ISO 6272-2:2006— 12 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation - Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation (ISO 11341:2004); German version EN ISO 11341:2004— 23 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints - Part 4: Determination of pyridine-triphenylborane (PTPB) concentration in the extract and calculation of the release rate (ISO 15181-4:2008); German version EN ISO 15181-4:2008— 18 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20°, 60° und 85° (ISO 2813:1994, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1997); German version EN ISO 2813:1999— 9 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 10: Assessment of degree of filiform corrosion (ISO 4628-10:2003); German version EN ISO 4628-10:2003— 11 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering (ISO 4628-2:2003); German version EN ISO 4628-2:2003— 18 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting (ISO 4628-3:2003); German version EN ISO 4628-3:2003— 19 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance - Part 6: Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method (ISO 4628-6:2007); German version EN ISO 4628-6:2007— 11 стр.
Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products - Part 1: General information (definitions, materials, tolerances, test methods); German version EN 10169-1:2003— 24 стр.
Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products - Part 1: General information (definitions, materials, tolerances, test methods); German version EN 10169-1:2003— 24 стр.