Graphical symbols; general principles for the creation of graphical symbols; graphical symbols for use in technical product documentation; identical with ISO 3461-2, edition 1987— 6 стр.
Technical product documentation - Vocabulary - Terms relating to technical drawings, product definition and related documentation (ISO 10209:2012); Trilingual version EN ISO 10209:2012— 120 стр.
Technical drawings - Simplified representation of the assembly of parts with fasteners - Part 2: Rivets for aerospace equipment (ISO 5845-2:1995)— 7 стр.
Technical product documentation - Vocabulary - Terms relating to technical drawings, product definition and related documentation (ISO 10209:2012); Trilingual version EN ISO 10209:2012— 120 стр.
Technical drawings - General principles of presentation - Part 50: Basic conventions for representing areas on cuts and sections (ISO 128-50:2001)— 11 стр.