Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual (ISO 10303-11:1994)
Technical product documentation; handling of computer-based technical information; part 4: document management and retrieval systems; identical with ISO 11442-4:1993— 7 стр.
Technical product documentation; handling of computer-based technical information; part 3: phases in the product design process; identical with ISO 11442-3:1993— 4 стр.
Technical product documentation; handling of computer-based technical information; part 2: original documentation; identical with ISO 11442-2:1993— 4 стр.
Technical product documentation; handling of computer-based technical information; part 1: security requirements; identical with ISO 11442-1:1993— 6 стр.
Quality management and quality assurance standards - Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use (ISO 9000-1:1994); Trilingual version EN ISO 9000-1:1994— 47 стр.