Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Metrological characteristics of phase correct filters (ISO 11562:1996); German version EN ISO 11562:1997— 7 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 21: Linear profile filters: Gaussian filters (ISO 16610-21:2011); German version EN ISO 16610-21:2012— 31 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method; metrological characteristics of phase correct filters (ISO 11562:1996); German version EN ISO 11562:1997— 7 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation (ISO 1302:2002); German version EN ISO 1302:2002— 51 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 2: Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters (ISO 25178-2:2012); German version EN ISO 25178-2:2012— 61 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 701: Calibration and measurement standards for contact (stylus) instruments (ISO 25178-701:2010); German version EN ISO 25178-701:2010— 35 стр.
Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - General and textural properties - Part 4: Determination of surface roughness; German version EN 623-4:2004— 16 стр.
Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works - Part 3: Acceptance of rail grinding, milling and planing work in track; German version EN 13231-3:2006— 37 стр.
Optics and photonics - Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems - Part 8: Surface texture; roughness and waviness (ISO 10110-8:2010)— 24 стр.
Geometrical Products Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method; Measurements standards - Part 2: Software measurement standards (ISO 5436-2:2001); German version EN ISO 5436-2:2001— 19 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters (ISO 4287:1997); German version EN ISO 4287:1998— 13 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Nominal characteristics of contact (stylus) instruments (ISO 3274:1996); German version EN ISO 3274:1997— 15 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Surfaces having stratified functional properties - Part 2: Height characterization using the linear material ratio curve (ISO 13565-2:1996); German version EN ISO 13565-2:1997— 6 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Cylindricity - Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of cylindrical form (ISO 12180-1:2011); German version EN ISO 12180-1:2011— 23 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Roundness - Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of roundness (ISO 12181-1:2011); German version EN ISO 12181-1:2011— 21 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Straightness - Part 2: Specification operators (ISO 12780-2:2011); German version EN ISO 12780-2:2011— 16 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method; metrological characteristics of phase correct filters (ISO 11562:1996); German version EN ISO 11562:1997— 7 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Flatness - Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of flatness (ISO 12781-1:2011); German version EN ISO 12781-1:2011— 20 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Cylindricity - Part 2: Specification operators (ISO 12180-2:2011); German version EN ISO 12180-2:2011— 19 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Straightness - Part 1: Vocabulary and parameters of straightness (ISO 12780-1:2011); German version EN ISO 12780-1:2011— 20 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified functional properties - Part 3: Height characterization using the material probability curve (ISO 13565-3:1998); German version EN ISO 13565-3:2000— 17 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Surfaces having stratified functional properties - Part 1: Filtering and general measurement conditions (ISO 13565-1:1996); German version EN ISO 13565-1:1997— 7 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 21: Linear profile filters: Gaussian filters (ISO 16610-21:2011); German version EN ISO 16610-21:2012— 31 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 21: Linear profile filters: Gaussian filters (ISO 16610-21:2011); German version EN ISO 16610-21:2012— 31 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 21: Linear profile filters: Gaussian filters (ISO 16610-21:2011); German version FprEN 16610-21:2012— 31 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Filtration - Part 29: Linear profile filters: Spline wavelets (ISO 16610-29:2015); German version EN ISO 16610-29:2015— 24 стр.
Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Filtration - Part 61: Linear areal filters: Gaussian filters (ISO 16610-61:2015); German version EN ISO 16610-61:2015— 28 стр.