Thermal insulation and energy economy of buildings - Part 7: Airtightness of building, requirements, recommendations and examples for planning and performance— 24 стр.
German construction contract procedures - Part C: General technical specifications for building works - General rules for all kinds of building works— 15 стр.
German construction contract procedures - Part C: General technical specifications for building works - Carpentry and timber construction works— 24 стр.
Protection of steel structures from corrosion by organic and metallic coatings; part 8: protection of supporting thin-walled building components from corrosion— 20 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 1: Introduction and general information— 8 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 2: Determination of properties; German version EN 438-2:2005— 76 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 3: Classification and specifications for laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates; German version EN 438-3:2005— 16 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 4: Classification and specifications for compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and greater; German version EN 438-4:2005— 14 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 5: Classification and specifications for flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates; German version EN 438-5:2005— 12 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 6: Classification and specifications for exterior-grade compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and greater— 14 стр.
High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 7: Compact laminate and HPL composite panels for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes; German version EN 438-7:2005— 36 стр.
Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of thickness for floating floor insulating products; German version EN 12431:1998— 5 стр.
Thermal insulation products for buildings - Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) - Specification; German version EN 13164:2001— 36 стр.
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Part 5: Protective paint systems (ISO 12944-5:2007); German version EN ISO 12944-5:2007— 36 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Dry lining and partitioning work— 23 стр.
German construction contract procedures - Part C: General technical specifications for building works - Carpentry and timber construction works— 24 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Dry lining and partitioning work— 23 стр.