Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-2:1994 including Technical Corrigendum 1:2002)— 97 стр.
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 3: Intermediate measures of the precision of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-3:1994 including Technical Corrigendum 1:2001)— 65 стр.
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 4: Basic methods for the determination of the trueness of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-4:1994)— 57 стр.
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 5: Alternative methods for the determination of the precision of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-5:1998)— 123 стр.
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 5: Alternative methods for the determination of the precision of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-5:1998), Corrigenda to DIN ISO 5725-5:2002-11 (ISO 5725-5:1998/Cor. 1:2005)— 2 стр.
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 6: Use in practice of accuracy values (ISO 5725-6:1994 including Technical Corrigendum 1:2001)— 91 стр.
Textile conveyor belts - Adhesive strength between constitutive elements - Part 1: Methods of test (ISO 252-1:1999); German version EN ISO 252-1:1999— 7 стр.
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 10: Specification for bonded flexible pipe (ISO 13628-10:2005); English version EN ISO 13628-10:2006— 79 стр.