Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC-Directives - Part 2, modified); Trilingual version CEN/CENELEC-Internal Regulations - Part 3: Rules for the structure and drafting of CEN/CENELEC publications— 139 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2004, modified); Trilingual version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2006— 176 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation (ISO 1302:2002); German version EN ISO 1302:2002— 51 стр.
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out (ISO 1101:2004); German version EN ISO 1101:2005— 68 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out (ISO/DIS 1101.2:2014); German version prEN ISO 1101:2014— 116 стр.
Preparation of documents used in electrotechnology - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61082-1:1991 + Corr. 11.93); German version EN 61082-1:1993— 75 стр.
Information technology - Coded graphic character set for use in the preparation of documents used in electrotechnology and for information interchange (IEC 61286:1995); German version EN 61286:1995— 11 стр.
Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on equipment - Part 1: Creation of graphical symbols for registration (IEC 80416-1:2008); German version EN 80416-1:2009— 27 стр.
Design of graphical symbols for use in the technical documentation of products - Part 1: Basic rules (ISO 81714-1:2010); German version EN ISO 81714-1:2010— 22 стр.
Aerospace series - Technical drawings - Representation of parts made of composite materials - Part 1: General rules; German and English version EN 4408-001:2005— 23 стр.
Templates for lettering symbols; slot widths for technical pens with tubular tips in accordance with ISO 9175-1; identical with ISO 9178-3:1989— 4 стр.
Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry - Part 1: Specification of diagrams (ISO 10628-1:2014); German version EN ISO 10628-1:2015— 21 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Areal - Part 1: Indication of surface texture (ISO 25178-1:2016); German version EN ISO 25178-1:2016— 36 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional tolerancing - Part 1: Linear Sizes (ISO 14405-1:2010); German version EN ISO 14405-1:2010— 46 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out (ISO 1101:2012 + Cor. 1:2013); German version EN ISO 1101:2013— 116 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2011, modified); Trilingual version CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2011— 240 стр.
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Pattern and combined geometrical specification (ISO 5458:2018); German version EN ISO 5458:2018— 53 стр.
Standardization - Part 2: Presentation of documents (ISO/IEC Directives - Part 2:2016, modified); German and English version CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations - Part 3:2017— 231 стр.