Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 755-1:2016— 22 стр.
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 - Part 2: Tolerances on dimensions and form; German and English version FprEN 12020-2:2015
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 755-1:2008— 20 стр.
Aluminium and aluminium alloys- Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German and English version FprEN 755-1:2015
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery; German version EN 755-1:2008— 20 стр.
Metal beads and feature profiles for use with gypsum plasterboards - Definitions, requirements and test methods; German version EN 14353:2007+A1:2010— 32 стр.
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 8: Additional requirements for pressure vessels of aluminium and aluminium alloys; German version EN 13445-8:2014— 41 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Sheet metal roofing and wall covering work— 30 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Metal construction works— 23 стр.