Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas (ISO 3864-1:2002 modified)— 32 стр.
Respiratory protective devices - Continuous flow compressed air line breathing apparatus - Requirements, testing, marking; German version EN 14594:2005, Corrgigenda to DIN EN 14594:2005-07; German version EN 14594:2005/AC:2005— 2 стр.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 1: General introduction and classification (ISO 11124-1:1993); German version EN ISO 11124-1:1997— 5 стр.
Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - Part 1: Pressure vessels for general purposes; German version EN 286-1:1998/A2:2005— 9 стр.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Part 10: Almandite garnet (ISO 11126-10:2000); German version EN ISO 11126-10:2004— 11 стр.
Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment - Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995); German version EN ISO 11688-1:2009— 46 стр.
Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology - Amendment 1 (ISO 12100-1:2003/Amd 1:2009); German version EN ISO 12100-1:2003/A1:2009— 8 стр.
Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2: Technical principles - Amendment 1 (ISO 12100-2:2003/Amd 1:2009); German version EN ISO 12100-2:2003/A1:2009— 11 стр.
Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design (ISO 13849-1:2006); German version EN ISO 13849-1:2008— 102 стр.
Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design (ISO 13850:2006); German version EN ISO 13850:2008, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 13850:2008-09— 2 стр.
Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs (ISO 13857:2008); German version EN ISO 13857:2008— 25 стр.
Mechanical vibration - Hand-held and hand-guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission (ISO 20643:2005); German version EN ISO 20643:2008, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 20643:2008-09— 2 стр.
Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 2: Measuring methods (IEC 62007-2:2009); German version EN 62007-2:2009— 38 стр.