Codes of practice for drinking water installations (TRWI); survey of standards and other codes of practice about materials, components and apparatus; DVGW code of practice— 15 стр.
Central drinking water supply; Basic principles relating to the requirements on drinking water Planing, construction and operation of the installations— 29 стр.
Private and individual drinking water supply; governing principles relating to the requirements to be met by drinking water; design, construction and operation of the supply systems; DVGW; code of practice— 16 стр.
Water heaters and water heating installations for drinking water and service water - Part 4: Corrosion protection on the water side by means of hot-setting, duroplastic coating materials; requirements and testing— 4 стр.
Pipe-lines of high-density PE (high-density polyethylene) and low-density PE (low density polyethylene) for drinking water supply; pipes, pipe connections and fittings for pipe-lines— 6 стр.
Corrosion of metals; corrosion of metallic materials under corrosion load by water inside of tubes, tanks and apparatus; evaluation of the corrosion likelihood of hot dip iron materials— 7 стр.
Pipelines of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) on ships, with cold-welded joints; requirements, dimensions for bonding, summary of components— 10 стр.
Sanitary taps; general technical specifications for single taps and mixer taps (nominal size 1/2) PN 10; minimum flow pressure of 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar); german version EN 200:1989— 24 стр.
Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Part 1: Planning and design (ISO 15748-1:2002); German version EN ISO 15748-1:2002— 32 стр.
Ships and marine technology - Potable water supply on ships and marine structures - Part 1: Planning and design (ISO 15748-1:2002); German version EN ISO 15748-1:2002— 32 стр.