Water quality; fresh water algal growth inhibition test with Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selenastrum capricornutum (ISO 8692:1989); German version EN 28692:1993— 15 стр.
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; bio-assays (group L); determination of the inhibitory effect of water constituents on the growth of scenedesmus green algae (L 9)— 14 стр.
Methods of soil investigations for agricultural engineering - Chemical laboratory tests - Part 10: Testing and evaluation of water for irrigation— 11 стр.
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; bio-assays (group L); determination of the inhibitory effect of water constituents on the growth of scenedesmus green algae (L 9)— 14 стр.