Gas infrastructure - Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0,5 bar for industrial installations and greater than 5 bar for industrial and non-industrial installations - Part 1: Detailed functional requirements for design, materials, construction, inspection and testing— 127 стр.
Industrial-process control valves - Part 8: Noise considerations; Section 1: Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves (IEC 60534-8-1:1986); German version EN 60534-8-1:2000— 16 стр.
Acoustics - Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations - Part 1: Method of measurement (ISO 3822-1:1999); German version EN ISO 3822-1:1999— 14 стр.
Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 3: Sanitary drainage, drain piping for vacuum systems (ISO 15749-3:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-3:2004— 26 стр.
Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 5: Drainage of decks, cargo spaces and swimming pools (ISO 15749-5:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-5:2004— 13 стр.
Ships and marine technology - Drainage systems on ships and marine structures - Part 2: Sanitary drainage, drain piping for gravity systems (ISO 15749-2:2004); German version EN ISO 15749-2:2004— 15 стр.
Corrosion of metals - Methods for evaluation of efficiency of water treatment apparatus for corrosion protection - Part 4: Laboratory corrosion test for removal of corrosion products in incrusted water installations— 3 стр.
Corrosion of metals - Methods for evaluation of efficiency of water treatment apparatus for corrosion protection - Part 2: Apparatus for decreasing of emission of corrosion products to drinking water— 4 стр.
Private and individual drinking water supply; governing principles relating to the requirements to be met by drinking water; design, construction and operation of the supply systems; DVGW; code of practice— 16 стр.
Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Systems for heating and central water heating— 21 стр.
Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Systems for heating and central water heating— 21 стр.
Fire behaviour of building materials and building components; synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components— 149 стр.
Gas infrastructure. Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0,5 bar for industrial installations and greater than 5 bar for industrial and non-industrial installations. Detailed functional requirements for design, materials, construction, inspection and testing— 124 стр.
BS EN 15001-1. Gas Infrastructure. Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0,5 bar for industrial installations and greater than 5 bar for industrial and non-industrial installations. Part 1. Detailed functional requirements for design, materials, construction, inspection and testing— 132 стр.