Conservation of Cultural Property - Procedures and instruments for measuring temperatures of the air and of the surfaces of objects; German version EN 15758:2010— 16 стр.
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2005); German and English version EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, Corrigenda to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005-08; German and English version EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005/AC:2006— 4 стр.
Conservation of cultural heritage - Procedures and instruments for measuring humidity in the air and moisture exchanges between air and cultural property; German version EN 16242:2012— 30 стр.
Conservation of Cultural Property - Specifications for temperature and relative humidity to limit climate-induced mechanical damage in organic hygroscopic materials; German version EN 15757:2010— 18 стр.
Conservation of cultural property - Indoor climate - Part 1: Guidelines for heating churches, chapels and other places of worship; German version EN 15759-1:2011— 25 стр.
Conservation of cultural heritage - Methods of measurement of moisture content, or water content, in materials constituting immovable cultural heritage; German version EN 16682:2017— 70 стр.
Conservation of cultural heritage - Indoor climate - Part 2: Ventilation management for the protection of cultural heritage buildings and collections; German version EN 15759-2:2018— 25 стр.