Testing of Pressure Pipelines for Water by Internal Pressure; Pressure Pipes Made of Ductile Cast Iron and Steel Pipes with Cement-mortar Lining— 2 стр.
Testing of Pressure Pipelines for Water by Internal Pressure; Pressure Pipes Made of Rigid PE (Rigid Polyethylene) and Soft PE (Soft Polyethylene)— 2 стр.
Ductile iron pressure pipes with socket for gas and water pipelines rated for pressures over 4 bar up to and including 16 bar; dimensions and masses— 6 стр.
Ductile iron castings for gas and water pressure pipelines; EN-fittings; socket <(hoch)1>/<(Index)4> duckfoot bends; application, dimensions and masses— 2 стр.
Testing of Pressure Pipelines for Water by Internal Pressure; Pressure Pipes Made of Ductile Cast Iron and Steel Pipes with Cement-mortar Lining— 2 стр.
Testing of Pressure Pipelines for Water by Internal Pressure; Pressure Pipes Made of Rigid PE (Rigid Polyethylene) and Soft PE (Soft Polyethylene)— 2 стр.
Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Works for pressure pipe lines in the ground— 9 стр.
Tendering and performance stipulations in contracts for construction works (VOB); part C: general technical specifications in contracts for construction works (ATV); laying of gas and water pipes below ground— 8 стр.