Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and form of wrought products - Part 3: Chemical composition and form of products; German version EN 573-3:2007— 32 стр.
Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels; German version EN 10025-4:2004— 25 стр.
Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.) - Determination of effects on reproduction and survival (ISO 16387:2004)— 33 стр.
Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 4: Tapping screws (ISO 3506-4:2003); German version EN ISO 3506-4:2003— 22 стр.