Measurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission; enveloping surface method and special reverberation room method; household and similar electrical appliances; particular requirements for washing machines and spin extractors (IEC 60704-2-4:1989); german version HD 423.2.4 S1:1989— 9 стр.
Transformers; three-phase oil immersed type power transformers with off-circuit tapchanger or with on-load tap-changer 2000 to 10000 kVA for 50 Hz and U<(Index)m> up to 123 kV; characteristics— 3 стр.
Transformers; three-phase oil immersed type power transformers with off-circuit tap-changer or with on-load tap-changer 12500 to 80000 kVA for 50 Hz and U<(Index)m> up to 123 kV; characteristics— 3 стр.