Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms (ISO 3382-2:2008); German version EN ISO 3382-2:2008— 26 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 14: Guidelines for special situations in the field (ISO 140-14:2004); German version EN ISO 140-14:2004, Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 140-14:2004-11; German version EN ISO 140-14:2004/AC:2009— 2 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 3: Laboratory measurements of airborne sound insulation of building elements (ISO 140-3:1995 + AM 1:2004); German version EN 20140-3:1995 + A1:2004— 32 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 4: Field measurement of airborne sound insulation between rooms (ISO 140-4:1998); German version EN ISO 140-4:1998— 18 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 5: Field measurement of airborne sound insulation of facade elements and facades (ISO 140-5:1998); German version EN ISO 140-5:1998; Corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 140-5:1998-12— 2 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 6: Laboratory measurements of impact sound insulation of floors (ISO 140-6:1998); German version EN ISO 140-6:1998— 12 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors (ISO 140-7:1998); German version EN ISO 140-7:1998— 15 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 8: Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact noise by floor coverings on a heavyweight standard floor (ISO 140-8:1997); German version EN ISO 140-8:1997— 13 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 11: Laboratory measurements of the reduction of transmitted impact sound by floor coverings on lightweight reference floors (ISO 140-11:2005); German version EN ISO 140-11:2005— 33 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 16: Laboratory measurement of the sound reduction index improvement by additional lining (ISO 140-16:2006); German version EN ISO 140-16:2006— 20 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 18: Laboratory measurement of sound generated by rainfall on building elements (ISO 140-18:2006); German version EN ISO 140-18:2006— 24 стр.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Measurement of thickness - Beta backscatter method (ISO 3543:2000), Corrigenda to DIN EN ISO 3543:2001-12; German version EN ISO 3543:2000/AC:2006— 2 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources - Guidelines for the use of basic standards (ISO 3740:2000); German version EN ISO 3740:2000— 29 стр.
Acoustics - Field measurements of airborne and impact sound insulation and of service equipment sound - Survey method (ISO 10052:2004); German version EN ISO 10052:2004— 36 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of the reverberation time of rooms with reference to other acoustical parameters (ISO 3382:1997); German version EN ISO 3382:2000— 21 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms (ISO 3382-2:2008); Corrigendum 1 to English translation of DIN EN ISO 3382-2:2008-09— 2 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms (ISO 3382-2:2008); Corrigendum 1 to English translation of DIN EN ISO 3382-2:2008-09— 2 стр.
Household high-fidelity audio equipment and systems - Methods of measuring and specifying the performance - Part 5: Loudspeaker - Supplement 1: Listening tests on loudspeakers - Single stimulus ratings and paired comparisons; IEC/TR 61305-6:2005— 20 стр.
Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 6: Sound absorption in enclosed spaces; German version EN 12354-6:2003— 28 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for reverberation test rooms (ISO 3741:2010); German version EN ISO 3741:2010— 74 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of the reverberation time of rooms with reference to other acoustical parameters (ISO 3382:1997); German version EN ISO 3382:2000— 21 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:2010); German version EN ISO 3744:2010— 92 стр.
Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields - Part 1: Comparison method for a hard-walled test room (ISO 3743-1:2010); German version EN ISO 3743-1:2010— 48 стр.
Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 5: Requirements for test facilities and equipment (ISO 10140-5:2010); German version EN ISO 10140-5:2010— 48 стр.
Acoustics - Measurement of sound pressure level from service equipment in buildings - Engineering method (ISO 16032:2004); German version EN ISO 16032:2004— 24 стр.
Acoustics - Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 3: Façade sound insulation (ISO 16283-3:2016); German version EN ISO 16283-3:2016— 48 стр.
Ergonomics - Accessible design - Sound pressure levels of spoken announcements for products and public address systems (ISO 24504:2014); German version EN ISO 24504:2016— 32 стр.
Ergonomics - Accessible design - Sound pressure levels of spoken announcements for products and public address systems (ISO 24504:2014); German and English version FprEN ISO 24504:2015— 32 стр.
Acoustics - Laboratory and field measurement of flanking transmission for airborne, impact and building service equipment sound between adjoining rooms - Part 1: Frame document (ISO 10848-1:2017); German version EN ISO 10848-1:2017— 46 стр.
Acoustics - Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 1: Airborne sound insulation (ISO 16283-1:2014); German version EN ISO 16283-1:2014— 53 стр.
Acoustics - Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation (ISO 16283-2:2015); German version EN ISO 16283-2:2015— 55 стр.
Acoustics - Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements - Part 2: Impact sound insulation (ISO 16283-2:2018); German version EN ISO 16283-2:2018— 55 стр.
Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 4: Measurement procedures and requirements (ISO 10140-4:2010)— 22 стр.
Acoustics - Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements - Part 5: Requirements for test facilities and equipment (ISO 10140-5:2010 + Amd.1:2014); German version EN ISO 10140-5:2010 + A1:2014— 57 стр.