Information processing systems; computer graphics; programmer's hierarchical interactive graphics system (PHIGS) part 2: archive file format (ISO/IEC 9592-2:1989, edition 1); english version EN 29592-2:1991— 22 стр.
Information processing systems; computer graphics; metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information; part 1: functional specification; identical with ISO 8632-1:1987— 154 стр.
Information processing systems; computer graphics; metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information; part 2: character encoding; identical with ISO 8632-2:1987— 69 стр.
Information processing systems; computer graphics; metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information; part 3: binary encoding; identical with ISO 8632-3:1987— 58 стр.
Information processing systems; computer graphics; metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information; part 4: clear text encoding; identical with ISO 8632-4:1987— 41 стр.
Information processing systems - Computer graphics - Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Systems (PHIGS) - Part 2: Archive file format (ISO/IEC 9592-2:1989, Amendment 1:1992); English version EN 29592-2:1991/A1:1993— 5 стр.