Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 10: Percussive drills, hammers and breakers (ISO 28927-10:2011); German version EN ISO 28927-10:2011— 37 стр.
Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 5349-1:2001); German version EN ISO 5349-1:2001— 27 стр.
Mechanical vibrations - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 2: Practical guidance for measurement at the workplace (ISO 5349-2:2001); German version EN ISO 5349-2:2001— 37 стр.
Mechanical vibration - Hand-held and hand-guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission (ISO 20643:2005); German version EN ISO 20643:2008— 24 стр.
Mechanical vibration - Hand held and hand guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission - Amendment 1 (ISO 20643:2005/DAmd.1:2010); German version EN ISO 20643:2008/prA1:2010
Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles - Part 2: Mechanical properties; German version EN 755-2:2008, Corrigendum to DIN EN 755-2:2008-06— 2 стр.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electrodeposited gold and gold alloy coatings for electrical, electronic and engineering purposes - Specification and test methods (ISO 27874:2008)
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 2: Chipping hammers and riveting hammers (ISO 8662-2:1992); German version EN 28662-2:1994 + A1:1995— 11 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 3: Rock drills and rotary hammers (ISO 8662-3:1992); German version EN 28662-3:1994 + A1:1995— 11 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 5: Pavement breakers and hammers for construction work [pick hammers] (ISO 8662-5:1992); German version EN 28662-5:1994 + A1:1995— 12 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 100: Amendments to Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 (EN 28662-2/A2:2001, EN 28662-3/A2:2001 und EN 28662-5/A2:2001)— 2 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 3: Rock drills and rotary hammers (ISO 8662-3:1992); German version EN 28662-3:1994 + A1:1995— 11 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 5: Pavement breakers and hammers for construction work [pick hammers] (ISO 8662-5:1992); German version EN 28662-5:1994 + A1:1995— 12 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 100: Amendments to Part 2, Part 3 and Part 5 (EN 28662-2/A2:2001, EN 28662-3/A2:2001 und EN 28662-5/A2:2001)— 2 стр.
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 2: Chipping hammers and riveting hammers (ISO 8662-2:1992); German version EN 28662-2:1994 + A1:1995— 11 стр.