Gears - FZG test procedures - Part 3: FZG test method A/2,8/50 for relative scuffing load-carrying capacity and wear characteristics of semifluid gear greases (ISO 14635-3:2005)— 25 стр.
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method (ISO 5725-2:1994 including Technical Corrigendum 1:2002)— 97 стр.
Gears - FZG test procedures - Part 1: FZG test method A/8,3/90 for relative scuffing load-carrying capacity of oils (ISO 14635-1:2000), Corrigenda to DIN ISO 14635-1:2006-05— 4 стр.
Gears - FZG test procedures - Part 2: FZG step load test A10/16, 6R/120 for relative scuffing load-carrying capacity of high EP oils (ISO 14635-2:2004)— 24 стр.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for engineering purposes (ISO/FDIS 6158:2011); German version FprEN ISO 6158:2011— 20 стр.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test method of cyclic heating for thermal-barrier coatings under temperature gradient (ISO 13123:2011); German version EN ISO 13123:2011— 20 стр.