Waterproofing of buildings - Supplement 2: Information on methods for the determination of thickness of liquid-applied waterproofing materials and evaluation of the results— 11 стр.
Floor screeds in building construction - Part 2: Floor screeds and heating floor screeds on insulation layers, Corrigendum to DIN 18560-2:2009-09— 2 стр.
Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1: General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures (includes Amendment 1:2012)— 118 стр.
Water-proofing of buildings - Part 4: Waterproofing against ground moisture (Capillary water, retained water) and non-accumulating seepage water under floor slabs on walls, design and execution— 10 стр.
Water-proofing of buildings - Part 4: Waterproofing against ground moisture (Capillary water, retained water) and non-accumulating seepage water under floor slabs on walls, design and execution— 10 стр.
National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures - Part 1-1: General rules for reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures— 65 стр.
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Repair work on concrete structures— 18 стр.
Design, preparation and application of external rendering and internal plastering - Part 1: Supplementary provisions for DIN EN 13914-1:2016-09 for external rendering— 22 стр.