Electronic fee collection - Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment to EN 15509 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes; English version prEN 15876-1:2016— 134 стр.
Road transport and traffic telematics - Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) - DSRC data link layer: medium access andlogical link control; English version EN 12795:2003— 49 стр.
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT) - Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) transmission equipment (500 kbit/s / 250 kbit/s) operating in the 5,8 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band - Part 1: General characteristics and test methods for Road Side Units (RSU) and On-Board Units (OBU)
Road transport and traffic telematics - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Numbering and data structure (ISO 14816:2005); English version EN ISO 14816:2005— 41 стр.
Electronic fee collection - Test procedures for user and fixed equipment - Part 2: Conformance test for the on-board unit application interface (ISO/TS 14907-2:2016); English version CEN ISO/TS 14907-2:2016
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General concepts (ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994); English version EN ISO/IEC 9646-1:1996
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 2: Abstract test suite specification (ISO/IEC 9646-2:1994); English version EN ISO/IEC 9646-2:1996
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 3: The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN)— 277 стр.
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 4: Test realization (ISO/IEC 9646-4:1994); English version EN ISO/IEC 9646-4:1996
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 5: Requirements on test laboratories and clients for the conformance assessment process (ISO/IEC 9646-5:1994); English version EN ISO/IEC 9646-5:1996
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 6: Protocol profile test specification (ISO/IEC 9646-6:1994); German version EN ISO/IEC 9646-6:1996
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 7: Implementation conformance statements; Technical corrigendum 1— 3 стр.
Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment for conformity to EN 15509 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes; English version EN 15876-1:2010+A1:2012— 117 стр.
Electronic fee collection - Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment to EN 15509 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes; English version prEN 15876-1:2016— 134 стр.
Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment for conformity to EN 15509 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes— 134 стр.
Electronic fee collection - Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment to EN 15509 - Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes; English version prEN 15876-1:2016— 134 стр.