Testing of solid and liquid fuels - Determination of the gross calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of the net calorific value - Part 2: Method using isoperibol ot static, jacket calorimeter— 11 стр.
Testing of solid and liquid fuels - Determination of gross calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of net calorific value - Part 3: Method using adiabatic jacket— 11 стр.
Determination of gross calorific value of solid and liquid fuels by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of net calorific value; general information— 11 стр.
Investigations of the raw material in hard-coal-mining; microscopical examination of hard coal, coke and briquettes; terms, survey of processes and their applications— 7 стр.
Investigations of the raw material in hard-coal-mining microscopical examinations of hard coal, coke and briquettes; reflectance measurements on vitrinites— 11 стр.