Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete - Part 4: Design and calculation of structural components; Application of components in structures— 28 стр.
Reinforced roofing slabs and ceiling tiles of steam-cured areated and foamed concrete; guidelines for dimensioning, production, utilization and testing— 6 стр.
Fire behaviour of building materials and building components; summary and use of classified building materials, building components and special building components— 108 стр.
Reinforced roofing slabs and ceiling tiles of steam-cured areated and foamed concrete; guidelines for dimensioning, production, utilization and testing— 6 стр.
Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete - Part 4: Design and calculation of structural components; Application of components in structures— 28 стр.
Tendering and performance stipulations in contracts for construction works (VOB); part C: general technical specifications in contracts for construction works (ATV); concrete work— 10 стр.
Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Part 3: Protection against moisture subject to climate conditions - Requirements and directions for design and construction— 77 стр.
Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 4: Synopsis and application of classified building materials, components and special components— 198 стр.