Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type 2 elements (IEC 61158-4-2:2010); English version EN 61158-4-2:2012, only on CD-ROM— 288 стр.
Road vehicles - Interchange of digital information - Controller area network (CAN) for high-speed communication; identical with ISO 11898:1993 (Status as of 1994)— 81 стр.
Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks. Specific requirements. Part 3. Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications— 1557 стр.
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Part 1: Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model (ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994); English version EN ISO/IEC 7498-1:1995
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type 2 elements (IEC 61158-4-2:2014); English version EN 61158-4-2:2014, only on CD-ROM— 340 стр.
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type 2 elements (IEC 61158-4-2:2007); English version EN 61158-4-2:2008, only on CD-ROM— 229 стр.
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 400: Data Link Layer protocol specification; English version (IEC 65C/524/CD:2009), only on CD-ROM
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type 2 elements (IEC 61158-4-2:2007); English version EN 61158-4-2:2008, only on CD-ROM— 229 стр.
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type 2 elements (IEC 61158-4-2:2014); English version EN 61158-4-2:2014, only on CD-ROM— 340 стр.