Geometrical product specification (GPS) - ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes - Part 1: Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits (ISO 286-1:2010)— 49 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and production technology - Part 1: Procedures for preparation and modification of maintenance programmes— 20 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and production technology - Part 12: Mandatory supervision equipments permanently installed in railway vehicles— 34 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 7: Loading doors - Type of construction: Sliding plug doors, sliding doors, roller loading doors, folding doors— 32 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Basic principles and production technology - Part 5: Assessment parameters and requirements of the distribution of wheel forces and vertical wheelset forces of railway vehicles - Procedure for checking and settings— 19 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles - Part 5: Moveable components of vehicle superstructure and doors (except doors of passenger areas)— 29 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Superstructure and special equipment of vehicles - Part 9: Installations which contain substances dangerous to water as well as tanks and pipe systems for flammable substances— 11 стр.
State of railway vehicles - Passenger area - Part 6: End doors/doors between coaches - Type of construction: Folding doors, sliding doors, roller loading doors, hinged doors— 23 стр.