Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Guidelines for specifying metallic and inorganic coatings (ISO/DIS 27830:2016); German and English version prEN ISO 27830:2016
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test for residual embrittlement in both metallic-coated and uncoated externally-threaded articles and rods - Inclined wedge method— 14 стр.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Guidelines for specifying metallic and inorganic coatings (ISO 27830:2008); German version EN ISO 27830:2013— 19 стр.
Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates - Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests (ISO 10289:1999); German version EN ISO 10289:2001— 24 стр.
Metallic and non-organic coatings on metallic substrates - Saline droplets corrosion test (SD test) (ISO 4536:1985); German version EN ISO 4536:1995— 6 стр.
Conversion coatings on metallic materials - Determination of coating mass per unit area - Gravimetric methods (ISO 3892:2000); German version EN ISO 3892:2001— 10 стр.
Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method (ISO 2178:2016); German version EN ISO 2178:2016— 47 стр.
Metallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - Coulometric method by anodic dissolution (ISO 2177:2003); German version EN ISO 2177:2004— 21 стр.
Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vocabulary (ISO 2080:2008); German version EN ISO 2080:2009— 39 стр.