Testing of solid and liquid fuels - Determination of gross calorific value by the bomb calorimeter and calculation of net calorific value - Part 1: Principles, apparatus, methods— 20 стр.
Testing of solid fuels - Determination of chemical composition of fuel ash - Part 11: Determination by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)— 4 стр.
Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density by buoyancy method and the open porosity by impregnation with water - Solid materials— 3 стр.
Investigations of raw material in hard-coal-mining - Microscopical examination of hard coal, coke and briquettes - Part 2: Preparation of polished surface from lump material and particulate blocks— 4 стр.
Investigations of the raw material in hard-coal-mining microscopical examinations of hard coal, coke and briquettes; reflectance measurements on vitrinites— 11 стр.
Solid fuels - Determination of contents of trace elements - Part 1: General rules, sampling and sample preparation; Preparation of samples for the analyses (dissolution method)— 8 стр.
Investigations of raw material in hard-coal-mining - Microscopical examination of hard coal, coke and briquettes - Part 4: Microlithotype analysis on particulate blocks— 5 стр.
BS EN 17199-1. Workplace exposure. Measurement of dustiness of bulk materials that contain or release nano-objects or submicrometer particles. Part 1. Requirements and choice of test methods— 35 стр.