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IEC 60098:2020 ed4.0

Analogue audio disk records and reproducing equipment — 35 стр.
IEC 60098:2020 applies to analogue audio disk records and the corresponding professional and domestic reproducing equipment. It excludes amplifiers and loudspeakers, methods of measurement for which can be found in IEC 60268-3, IEC 60268-5, IEC 60268­21 and IEC 60268-22.
IEC 60098:2020 specifies the characteristics that are necessary to ensure compatibility between analogue audio disk records and the corresponding reproducing equipment.
It also lists and defines the most important characteristics affecting the performance of reproducing equipment, and establishes agreed methods of measurement for these characteristics.
IEC 60098:2020 cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1987. This edition constitutes a full revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) addition of a tolerance on groove width.
33.160.30 Audio. Including tape recorders, records, magnetic tapes, cassettes, CDs, etc. / Аудиосистемы. Включая магнитофоны, пластинки, магнитные ленты, кассеты, компакт-диски и т.д.