Guide for the determination of thermal endurance properties of electrical insulating materials. Part 4: Ageing ovens - Section 1: Single-chamber ovens— 17 стр.
Guide for the determination of thermal endurance properties of electrical insulating materials. Electrical insulating materials. Thermal endurance properties. Precision ovens for use up to 300$0DC— 20 стр.
Rotating electrical machines. Functional evaluation of insulation systems. Test procedures for form-wound windings. Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in rotating machines— 32 стр.
Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules. Encapsulants. Measurement of change in linear dimensions of sheet encapsulation material resulting from applied thermal conditions— 18 стр.
BS EN 61857-41. Electrical insulation systems. Procedures for thermal evaluation. Part 41. Specific requirements for electrical insulation systems for use in dry-type high-voltage transformers with operating voltages of 1kV and above— 45 стр.
Electrical insulating materials. Thermal endurance properties. Determination of thermal endurance indices (TI and RTE) of an insulating material using the fixed time frame method— 54 стр.