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IEC 60364-4-44:2007 ed2.0

Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 4-44: Protection for safety - Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances — 110 стр.
The rules of this Part of IEC 60364 are intended to provide requirements for the safety of electrical installations in the event of voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances generated for different specified reasons. This second edition of IEC 60364-4-44 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001, amendment 1 (2003) and amendment 2 (2006). The contents of the corrigenda of May 2010 and October 2011 have been included in this copy.
33.100.20 Immunity / Защищенность
91.140.50 Electricity. Including electric energy meters in buildings, emergency electrical supplies, etc. / Системы электроснабжения. Включая аварийное электроснабжение и т.д.
33.100.10 Emission / Излучение