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IEC 60488-1:2004 ed1.0

Higher performance protocol for the standard digital interface for programmable instrumentation - Part 1: General — 153 стр.
applies to interface systems used to interconnect both programmable and nonprogrammable electronic measuring apparatus with other apparatus and accessories necessary to assemble instrumentation systems. It applies to the interface of instrumentation systems, or portions of them,The basic functional specifications of this standard may be used in digital interface applications that require longer distances, more devices, increased noise immunity, or combinations of these.It bears double logo IEC/IEEE
17.220.20 Measurement. Including measuring instruments, instrument transformers / Измерения электрических и магнитных величин. Включая измерительные приборы, измерительные трансформаторы
35.200 Interface and interconnection equipment / Интерфейсы и межсоединительные устройства
25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control / Измерение и контроль производственного процесса