Каталог стандартов

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IEC 60489-5:1987 ed2.0

Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services. Part 5: Receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E, H3E or J3E) — 158 стр.
Deals with the definitions, the conditions and the methods of measurement used to ascertain the performance of receivers having audio-frequency bandwidths generally not exceeding 10 kHz for the reception of voice and other types of signals, using single-sideband amplitude modulation. The standard is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60489-1.
33.060.20 Receiving and transmitting equipment / Приемная и передающая аппаратура
33.060.30 Radio relay and fixed satellite communications systems / Радиорелейные и стационарные спутниковые системы связи