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IEC 60674-3-4:2022 ed2.0

Plastic films for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheets 4: Polyimide films used for electrical insulation — 28 стр.
IEC 60674-3-4:2022 gives the requirements for polyimide films used for electrical purposes. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone.Safety warning: it is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1993. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
  1. this document has been completely revised editorially and technically and included in the IEC 60674 series of standards;
  2. new types have been included;
  3. the ranges of thickness have been expanded;
  4. changes have been made to the requirements of some existing types.
29.035.20 Plastics. Including adhesive tapes / Пластмассовые и резиновые изоляционные материалы. Включая клейкие ленты