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IEC 60700-1:1998+AMD1:2003 CSV ed1.1

Thyristor valves for high voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission - Part 1: Electrical testing — 93 стр.
Applies to thyristor valves with metal oxide surge arresters directly connected between the valve terminals, for use in a line commuted commutated converter for high voltage d.c. power transmission or as part of a back-to-back link. Retricted to electrical type and production tests. Tests are based on air insulated valves. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (1998) and its amendment 1 (2003). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
31.080.20 Thyristors / Тиристоры
29.200 Rectifiers. Including semiconductor converters / Выпрямители. Преобразователи. Стабилизированные источники питания. Включая полупроводниковые преобразователи