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IEC 60705:1988 ed2.0

Methods for measuring the performance of microwave ovens for household and similar purposes — 33 стр.
Applies to appliances for heating food and beverages, by electromagnetic energy (microwaves) in one or more of the I.S.M. frequency bands between 300 MHz and 30 GHz, for household use. These appliances may also use thermal cooking means as employed in conventional cooking ranges and ovens for household use. They may also incorporate a browning function. It also applies to combination microwave ovens when used in the microwave generating mode only.
97.040.20 Cooking. Including microwave ovens and stove hoods / Места для приготовления пищи, рабочие столы, печи и аналогичные аппараты. Включая микроволновые печи и надплитные воздухоочистители