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IEC 60903:2014 ed3.0

Live working - Electrical insulating gloves — 117 стр.
IEC 60903:2014 is applicable to electrical insulating gloves and mitts that provide protection of the worker against electric shock. This standard also covers electrical insulating gloves with additional integrated mechanical protection referred to in this document as "composite gloves". This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 60903, published in 2002. It constitutes a technical revision which includes the following major changes:
- clarification of the requirements and tests for long gloves;
- introduction of a new special property for gloves resistant to leakage current;
- removal of the requirement for an area to mark the date of inspection;
- the d.c. electric tests are no longer included in the normative part of the document but a proof test is suggested at the production level in a new informative Annex E;
- preparation of the elements of evaluation of defects, and general application of IEC 61318:2007;
- introduction of a new normative Annex H on classification of defects;
- and introduction of a new informative Annex I on the rationale for the classification of defects.
13.260 Protection. Including tools for working with voltages / Защита от электрического удара. Работа под напряжением. Включая инструменты для работы под напряжением
29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines / Линии электропередачи и распределительные линии
29.260.99 Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions / Электрическое оборудование для работы в особых условиях прочее