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IEC 60909-3:1995 ed1.0

Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous single phase line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth — 53 стр.
The object of this standard is to establish practical and concise procedures for the calculation of line-to-earth short-circuit currents during two separate simultaneous single phase short circuit and partial short-circuit currents through earth from electrical installations, leading to conservative results with sufficient accurate.
29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines / Линии электропередачи и распределительные линии
17.220.01 Electricity. Including electromagnetism / Электричество. Магнетизм. Общие аспекты. Включая электромагнетизм