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IEC 61010-2-032:1994 ed1.0

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requirements for hand-held current clamps for electrical measurement and test — 25 стр.
Applies to hand-held and hand-manipulated CURRENT CLAMPS. These CURRENT CLAMPS are for use in the measurement of current without interruption of the current path of the circuit in which it is measured. They may be stand-alone CURRENT CLAMPS which are themselves within the scope of part 1, or accessories to other equipment within the scope of part 1. This standard does not apply to current transformers or current transducers intended for fixed installations. This standard has the status of a group safety publication.
19.080 Electrical. Including testing equipment / Электрические и электронные испытания. Включая испытательное оборудование