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IEC 61124:1997 ed1.0

Reliability testing - Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity — 117 стр.
Specifies procedures to test whether an observed value of: - failure rate; - failure intensity; - mean time to failure; - mean operating time between failures; complies with a given requirement. Three types of test plans are prescribed as follows: - sequential test plans; - time/failure terminated test plan; - fixed calendar time/failure terminated test plans. Cancels and replaces IEC 60605-7, published in 1978, and its amendment 1 (1990), of which its constitutes a technical revision.
03.120.30 Application of statistical methods / Применение статистических методов
21.020 Characteristics. Including reliability, dependability, maintainability, durability, etc. / Характеристики и конструкция механизмов, приборов и оборудования. Включая надежность, безотказность, ремонтопригодность, долговечность и т.д.
19.020 Test conditions and procedures in general / Условия и методика испытаний в целом