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IEC 61163-1:2006 ed2.0

Reliability stress screening - Part 1: Repairable assemblies manufactured in lots — 161 стр.
This part of IEC 61163 describes particular methods to apply and optimize reliability stress screening processes for lots of repairable hardware assemblies, in cases where the assemblies have an unacceptably low reliability in the early failure period, and when other methods, such as reliability growth programmes and quality control techniques, are not applicable.
03.120.30 Application of statistical methods / Применение статистических методов
21.020 Characteristics. Including reliability, dependability, maintainability, durability, etc. / Характеристики и конструкция механизмов, приборов и оборудования. Включая надежность, безотказность, ремонтопригодность, долговечность и т.д.
03.120.01 Quality. Including general aspects related to reliability and maintainability / Качество в целом. Включая общие аспекты, связанные с надежностью и ремонтопригодностью